Protein Collagen Shake

This is my absolute favorite post work out shake and I have been drinking it every day after my workout. Like my Instagram says, it literally tastes like a chocolate malt shake. I always try and get a natural peanut butter. Right now my favorite is Justin’s or Earth balance because they use agave instead of overly processed sugars. I am now obsessed with oat milk, its even better than almond milk. I got all of my ingredients at stop and shop.

The health benefits of the collagen powder is awesome. I purchased mine from the vitamin shoppe. I noticed my hair is thicker and shinier, my nails are stronger and I haven’t gotten sick yet… knock on wood. I used to take Spirulina pills to boost my immune system (especially in the winter) but it hurt my stomach, so this powder works just as good. Tremella mushrooms are the newest craze I’ve been reading about. Some studies even show it has tumor fighting agents. The silica and peptides are supposed to fight against wrinkles.. no more botox?! I’ll let you guys know.

Want to make this shake even better? Freeze your bananas, I wouldn’t steer you wrong.

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